Wednesday, 19 August 2015

On the day that Waterford

lost to Kilkenny in the All-Ireland hurling semi-final, I went down to the tiny beach near the Daligan River that seems to be nameless but you can see here.  It is a smelly beach, due to the amount of rotting seaweed but has crab claws as big as they come and a fine amount of flotsam and jetsam.  I made a few collages which is something I haven't done in ages and listened to the seagulls and the oyster catchers.

Texture x 10

All from one half hour's mooch on the back beach at Clonea.

Such A Perfect Day

Days spent on Ballydowane under cloudless skies are now known as Perfect Days.  They are few but all the more precious for it.  How many are left this year I wonder? 

The beach was about the busiest I've ever seen it and there were people swimming, kids jumping the waves and sea kayakers paddling slowly in and out of the bay.  I drew and sunbathed and beach combed, leaving behind a present of 2 pieces of driftwood, a velvet swimming crab claw and and a coloured driftwood heart.  I baptised myself in the cold, but not unbearable water - Ballydowane and I are now properly acquainted.

Tuesday, 11 August 2015


Through A Hole

On a fine day last week, I went shopping via the scenic route.  It was a very low tide and at Kilmurrin Cove, I saw this

Without really thinking about it, I mooched my way over and climbed through to find a sun-drenched cove 

with lots of flotsam and jetsam

(I think these might have been left behind, rather than washed in)

Tuesday, 4 August 2015

Deer Skull

Well not really, but uncannily like one.  I brought it home and because it was a bit smelly, I have left it outside to deoderize in the gales and rains of our current August weather.  I suppose the seaweed will shrivel up and dry out but I'm hoping the 'antlers' will remain and eventually it could go up on the wall.  It freaks my fella out.