Tuesday, 6 December 2016

Wednesday, 29 June 2016

Nothing to sea

There has been very little washed in to the beaches that I've visited recently so instead of staring down, I have been staring out ...

Thursday, 9 June 2016

Legless Lamb Daddy

My sister found a plastic lamb on Ballydowane while she was visiting.  A couple of weeks later, I found his daddy.  Unfortunately he was legless.

Thursday, 12 May 2016


At the top of the lane leading to Ballydowane is this house.  Is it even a house?  It is in a similar style to a ufogel house that is in the Alps.  There is never anyone around and it looks unfinished.  It would make a great studio and beach house and I want it.

Monday, 25 April 2016

Unknown no more!

I saw the sand artist again, introduced myself, took a few more photos.  It looks so satisfying, drawing with that rake.  Even drawing in the sand with a stick is wonderful, the drag of the sand and the noise it makes against the wood.  I should imagine that sand drawing (or real beach combing as someone pointed out) is addictive.  This is at Ballydowane Cove.

Trying ... and failing

I am trying to cut down on what I bring home from the beach as I now have at least 12 boxes and tubs of things that I haven't done anything with (yet).  But these had to be brought home, after a 3 beach beachcomb on Kilmurrin, Benvoy and Annestown Strands.

Wednesday, 30 March 2016

Salute to an Unknown Sand Artist

On Clonea Strand last week, just going about his business, as you do.

Storms and What They Left Behind

The storms of winter and early spring left a lot of flotsam and jetsam and took a lot away again.  At the moment, the beaches are almost scrubbed clean, due in part I think to clean up efforts by local people and the council to get the beaches ready for summer and tourists.  Here are a few photos of things found and collected over the last couple of months.

Thursday, 10 March 2016


A cold, crisp Spring day with just a hint of heat in the sun, a tide going out and coming in and a bucket to hold rubbish and treasures and who is to decide the difference?

Sunday, 21 February 2016

The Grand Tour Part II

I had a guest staying a couple of weeks ago who was bitten by the beachcombing bug and so, on a beautiful winter's day, we did the Grand Tour from Ballydowane to Kilfarassy and this is what we found.

HP strike again - this ink cartridge is from a container spill in the Atlantic and thousands have been washing up all around the coasts of the UK and Ireland

Angler Fish

Hairbrush turned sculptural object

Canon printer cartridge

Hypodermic needle

Lobster tag

Lobster trap hook, doll's head and doll's leg!

Driftwood with piddock holes